Music Habits Tag

Music Habits Tag

Who would I be though, to name one artist as my favorite, and then not pick one of their songs as a “must hear”?

I’ll go with the safe one for now:


Dang, this really made me think a bit! Thanks again Joe for tagging me and breaking up my typical thought process :]

Help Support a New Cartoonist Trying to be Published — Modern Witch’s Bookshelf

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Hey guys, I come to you today with a request. I know that this community in itself is extremely supportive and welcoming towards new authors, and people who are trying to make it to the next level in the bookish world. Tom Duffy is a cartoonist and illustrator who has graduated from School of Visual […]

via Help Support a New Cartoonist Trying to be Published — Modern Witch’s Bookshelf

Tommy Wiseau’s Joker is Truly the Stuff of Nightmares — Paperback Cinema

The subject of The Disaster Artist, and star of The Room, Tommy Wiseau has been on social media campaigning for the role of Batman’s archvillain The Joker. The resulting audition tape is pretty unnerving and terrifying. Nevertheless, he would be an interesting take on the character, to say the least.

via Tommy Wiseau’s Joker is Truly the Stuff of Nightmares — Paperback Cinema

My voice, my vote

Preach it girl


What I would do to be inside of a pro trump, republican, gun protecting head right now. I find myself struggling day in and day out to understand the stance these people are taking. Today I had to delete another family member off of Facebook because I value safe children over idiotic views, even those views of my family members. Sometimes my passion, my anger, my confusion grows so big, I have to close my eyes, take a step back.
 Being in your twenties at a time like this is strange. You wonder “was the world always like this? Was I too busy with beer and boyfriends and the next big trend to comprehend how fucked up the world is?” Yes and no. We didn’t always have a leader who endorsed white nationalists, racists, the NRA, hate crimes etc, but the hate groups have always been there. It is now…

View original post 597 more words

March 14, 2018

Plot Monster

Many of you know that we lost my nephew in November to suicide.  As you might imagine, this has been a particularly difficult time for all of us.  As a family, we have never suffered a loss like this before.


He would have been 21 today.  He was your typical all-American boy.  He loved sports (football especially), fishing, hunting and camping.  He was absolutely hilarious.  He brought so much joy to other people and yet inside he was fighting demons that we could never understand.


I am reading this book in his honor.  He read this book with his mother and absolutely loved it.  (Just so you know, because of Ben I will love it also and my review will probably be biased.)  I had hoped to have it finished and reviewed today but I’m not sure I am going to make it.


If you or someone you love is…

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The Sunshine Blogger Award

The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those who are

creative, positive, and inspiring, while spreading sunshine to the blogging community.”

Image result for sun page divider

Thank you so VERY much to Musings of a Coffee Addicted Bibliophile for nominating my personal blog for this lovely award! Rachel is a wonderful person, with a stunning book blog! You should absolutely check out her page if you haven’t already!


• Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
• Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
• List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

Image result for sun page dividerWhat was the worst book you ever read?

oh man. The only book I can think of that was not my favorite by a long shot was an eARC I received a few months ago. I don’t want to bash the book, mostly because the author seems like a very nice person, and according to the other reviews, I seem to be the odd man out in not liking the story..


If you could meet any author or character who would it be?

Surprise surprise, I would love to meet the characters (all of them) from the Wizarding World. I know I belong there, I would simply just be returning home.

Image result for hogwarts


Have you ever learned something new from reading?

I am sure I have! I may not be able to pluck a specific fact from my mind that comes directly from reading, but I know that I am constantly learning through books. My character and my personally can all stem from things I have learned through the books I have read. I carry around a little bit of every book that I have read, and that (to me) is just as good as “learning.”


What do you love most about blogging?

I love that this is my little stage to state my own opinions. I get to be creative, and interact with like-minded people about things that I am passionate about. I am the sole creator of this website, I control what comes across the page and it is a positive way to spend my time.

I also really love the community in which I am now a part of. Everyone is so creative and supportive that it is hard to stay away! You want to always be heavily involved because you want to support and love on your friends and the things that you are both passionate about.


What’s the story behind your blog name?

It has come as no surprise to anyone (anymore) that I am a huge Harry Potter fan. The characters and books worm their way into every tag I post, and that is just the start of it. When I sat down and thought about what I wanted the theme of my book blog to be, I knew it had to be Harry Potter related. Eventually, I decided on Modern Witch’s Bookshelf. However, I knew then that I had to change my existing personal account to match my new magical theme.

I have always loved learning, and much like Hermione Granger, I knew that I would enjoy all the classes offered at Hogwarts, had I gone. Regardless of the fact that I am already a Muggle, I would want to know the connection between both the magical and non-magical worlds, and become an expert in it (perhaps even finding a job later in life maintaining that relationship). Thus, I would probably either seek out, or offer to teach a class like Advanced Muggle Studies. And there you have it!


What distracts you most from reading?

Life. I work two jobs at the moment, and while my dog is no longer a puppy, he still requires a bit of attention, especially when my boyfriend is gone. Some days I just want to lay on the couch and mindlessly watch tv. Sometimes I just have so much going on in a day that I cannot open a book, even if I tried. Life tends to be my biggest road block when it comes to my reading for sure.


Which book/series makes you happy?

I mean…the obvious, is pretty obvious, right?

Image result for harry potter series

However, right now Wicked Deep is giving me all the feels. I mean, just look at it!

Image result for the wicked deep


What’s one of your favorite quotes?

I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” – Albert Einstein


Is there a new hobby you hope to try sometime? 

Yoga. I think that I could really benefit from it, but have not had the drive or the means to start up. I know there are videos and tons of stuff online that would help get me started. I mean I already have a mat, but idk, I would rather start in a class.. and I haven’t been able to commit to one yet.


What’s your favorite time of the year?

Autumn is my absolute favorite time of year. The smells, the weather, the spooky content, the flavors. Everything cools off, and things just feel crisp and fresh. I love this time of year.


If your life, as it is up to this point, was made into a film what song would be playing during the end credits?

OHH! This is a GREAT question! This is going to require some thought.

I think this one really sums it up well. Regardless of how hard my days seem to be, I hear this song, and I know without a doubt, that I have a lot of good in my life. This song always makes me feel mellow, but genuinely happy that I have so much to look back on so far.

Image result for sun page divider


I am not going to nominate 11 blogs, but I will nominate a few deserving ones (sorry to any that may have already been nominated)

Dani @ Touch My Spine Book Reviews

Arthisfis’s Place

The Cozied Reader

Beware of the Reader

J. W. Martin

The Cozy Pages

and last but certainly not least- The Orangutan Librarian– this is honestly one of my very favorite blogs. I look forward to everything she posts and because whatever it is, it is sure to be amazing!

My Questions:

I liked some of the ones I answered so I am going to recycle some, and create the rest.

  1. What is the story behind your blog name?
  2. What distracts you from reading the most?
  3. What have you learned from reading?
  4. Any favorite quotes (bookish or not)?
  5. What are some things that never fail to make you smile?
  6. What methods do you use to best keep track of your blogging (posts, ideas, reviews, etc.)?
  7. At what point in your blogging career did things change for you? When did you start to feel comfortable in the blogging world?
  8. What is your favorite non-bookish hobby?
  9. What are some of your favorite/most beautiful book covers? (or movie-posters if you aren’t into books)?
  10. Where do you feel most comfortable?
  11. If your life (up to this point) was made into a movie, what song do you imagine is playing in the end credits?


Vicious Circle

I saw this on Facebook and couldn’t get over how truthful it is. What a shame that all these people die, that children die, and nothing is done. What’s that saying about insanity? “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.” How many times are we to do nothing in this country because it’s not us, or because we are being paid to shut up? It doesn’t matter if you start with mental illness or gun control… SOMETHING should be done, not just pointlessly arguing on Facebook among peers only to unfriend people you thought you knew.

When will we stand together, and make an effort to curb this trend? Probably not until it has touched every single one of us personally, including all the mighty congressmen who go mute when tragedy strikes. Maybe all the money you are being paid to keep quiet won’t be enough to silence you if it were your child’s school. Your family on the ground.

When will this insanity end?

Are Libraries Going Extinct? — Pages Unbound | Book Reviews & Discussions

To me, the question “Are libraries going extinct” is actually a very silly question. All I have to do is walk into my public library and I can see that the computers are filled with students doing homework and adults searching for jobs. Songs and laughter are coming from the story time room. There is […]

via Are Libraries Going Extinct? — Pages Unbound | Book Reviews & Discussions

The Power of Female Economy

I stand by the fact that this is easily one of my most favorite blogs to read. Everyone should be following her

Damn, Girl. Get Your Shit Together.

“There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other.”
-Madeleine Albright

If you have been following my blog for a while you know that I am a businesswoman. You also know that I was raised in the foster care system, that I ran away from home, and was a homeless teen.

I have experienced a level of poverty you would not think was possible in a first world country. I have lived in abandoned buildings in downtown Detroit and have feared for my life from things like exposure and starvation.

I have broken into cars to steal change to get my dinner from a vending machine. I have eaten from the garbage. I have been bound to horrible situations for the lack of financial independence. I have been dominated and violated and I have stayed in these situations…for a sandwich or a cold piece of pizza…

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